Advanced Plastic Technology
About Us
Call: 01908 305710
Advanced Plastic Technology started life in 1991 as a distributor of engineering plastics. With a wide base of customers, our customers’ requirements varied considerably. While many customers used stock shapes for their own in-house processing, many other customers didn’t have the capabilities to manufacture what they really wanted, which was finished components.
Over time we added machinery and skills to meet the need for finished components and sub-assemblies. We also built up a network of companies offering different processing capabilities to complement our own. In 2002, we decided to focus on building our manufacturing capabilities by investing in flexible modern equipment that allows us to manufacture a wide variety of components.
In 2005, we moved into premises that were nearly three times larger than our previous building. This enabled us to meet growing demand and to provide space for future expansion. Our program of investment in efficient, flexible machinery and manufacturing processes is ongoing. In 2011, all staff undertook training in Lean principles. We continue to apply and adapt lean techniques to our high variety make-to-order manufacturing facility.
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Advanced Plastic Technology
Our Values
We believe that there are always opportunities for improvement and so all employees participate in continuous improvement activities.
We believe cost, quality and on-time delivery are the most important factors to our customers.
As such, our improvement activities are focused on these factors.

Advanced Plastic Technology
Our Vision
We aim to support manufacturers by offering an array of plastic processing technologies and combining this with a breadth of plastic materials experience.
We aim to keep our operations and technologies flexible so that we can supply a wide variety of components and sub-assemblies.
We aim to provide both competitive pricing and consistently reliable lead times.